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Emsa EZ Encryption Tool

Emsa EZ Encryption Tool - Windows Freeware Encryption tool


"Emsa EZ Encryption Tool - Free encryption tool for Windows"
dovnload.co.uk Editor: EMSA EZ Encryption Tool for Windows is a simple encryption program. This program for Encrypt files or text track uses the Blowfish algorithm. This algorithm is a strong encryption algorithm using a private key, so it keeps your data safe from prying eyes.

What input will select 'Encrypt File' button to encrypt the files to be, the user must click on the file and path to save the output file is encrypted flat. That the output file and path to save the password file will choose input ecncrypted 'to reduce the file' button, the user must click on the password for the files.

To encrypt text, input text must be copied text above, then the text will be encrypted button "Encrypt & Encode Text 'use. Because the encryption result can not be safely copied to the document text but binary data and therefore not this procedure, and the resulting text using the standard Base64 encoding Base64 encoding code of any binary data is converted to text format allows other documents which can be copied into. The program also provides standard Base64 encoding and decoding as a separate function.
This program is free.
Emsa EZ Encryption Tool 1.0.46 Now you can download free.

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